Latino American Heroes
Web Sites on Latino American Heroes
These pages are designed as a resource for K-12 educators who are interested in teaching their students about the accomplishments of Chicano/Latino or Native American Scientists. Profiles of scientists, mathematicians and engineers have been written at the middle school and high school levels and are organized in the following ways: by scientist last name, by scientific subject/discipline, by grade level and by women scientist.
Content Area infusion: science, math
This web page was created as part of the state "day of service" commemorating the life and work of CĂ©sar Chavez Includes biographies written at different grade levels in the Model Curriculum and Resources for Teachers. Other info devoted to the most famous Latino in modern U.S. history.
Content Area infusion: history, language arts
Learn about 25 people of Hispanic heritage who have inspired others with their deeds and contributions. Explore each section (Before 1900,1901-1949,After 1950) to find out about history makers born during that time. You can use the biography sheet to research these and other history makers.
Content Area infusion: history